Thanks to some great contributors, Wikipedia has a pretty solid definition of Developer Relations. I'm thankful to be a footnote there myself. As you dive into better understanding developer relations, you'll realize that not all programs are identical. There are tactics and methods that many industry leaders have proven, but it's always going to vary from company to company and program to program.
DevRel is an umbrella term covering the strategies and tactics for building and nurturing a community of mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and developers (e.g., software developers) as the primary users, and often influencers on purchases, of a product.
— Developer Relations, Wikipedia
Developer Relations functions & programs are what you make them. There are likely many programs that resemble others, but no program is exactly the same.
DevRel is as clear as mud to teach.
So, to get you started, let's dive into some great DevRel resources and content I've enjoyed ⤵️
Learn More About Developer Relations
Developer Relations: How to Build & Grow a Successful Developer Community
Developer Marketing Does Not Exist
The Business Value of Developer Relations
Developer Marketing + Relations
Getting Started in Developer Relations
Bonus: Superfans